AE  >> Vol. 13 No. 2 (February 2023)

Advances in Education
Vol.13 No.2(2023), Paper ID 61197, 6 pages

Dimensions of the “Characteristics” of Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics from the Perspective of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind—Reflections on the “New Thought Introduction Course” of Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities

阎 静,郭昭君,李 越:江苏大学马克思主义学院,江苏 镇江

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How to Cite this Article

阎静, 郭昭君, 李越. 人类命运共同体视阈下中国特色大国外交“特色”之维——基于高校思政课“新思想概论课”的若干思考[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(2): 500-505.