ACM  >> Vol. 12 No. 8 (August 2022)

Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol.12 No.8(2022), Paper ID 54644, 6 pages

乙肝“大三阳”和“小三阳”患者血清中HBV DNA载量、肝功能指标、肝纤维化标志物及肝癌标志物比较分析
Comparison of HBV DNA Load, Liver Function Index, Liver Fibrosis Markers and Liver Cancer Markers between Hepatitis B Patients with HBsAg, HBeAg, and HBcAb Test Positive and HBsAg, HBeAb, and HBcAb Test Positive

潘晓娟,吴胜军:浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院检验科,浙江 杭州

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潘晓娟, 吴胜军. 乙肝“大三阳”和“小三阳”患者血清中HBV DNA载量、肝功能指标、肝纤维化标志物及肝癌标志物比较分析[J]. 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(8): 7405-7410.