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许涛 (2015) “慕课” (MOOCs)专家访谈——全球视野下的“慕课”发展与未来. 现代教育论丛, 3, 2-6.


  • 标题: 《佛教文化概述》“慕课”(MOOC)之设计思路Pedagogical Design for Chinese Buddhist Culture as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

    作者: 李熙灿

    关键字: 慕课, 佛教文化, 选修课, 直观式教学法, 教学设计, 学情分析MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), Chinese Buddhist Culture, Optional Course, Intuitionistic Teaching Method, Pedagogical Design, Learning Situation Analysis

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Education》, Vol.5 No.5, 2015-09-25

    摘要: 佛教文化是传统文化(国学)三大主流之一,将佛教文化付诸“慕课”(MOOC)之教学模式,对复兴传统文化,意义重大。本文旨在探讨“慕课”模式下,佛教文化选修课之教学设计思路。本文认为,欲提高佛教文化“慕课”之教学效果,首先要充分了解当代大学生之学情(含知识基础、思维模式、情感状态)。在此基础上,精巧设计适合学情的教学内容和教学方法。大致上讲,教学内容宜由浅入深,循序渐进,各知识点之间联系紧密,环环相扣,以对治学生之散乱心。教学方法则大量使用直观教学,给学生以视觉、听觉诸方面之刺激,兴奋听课状态,如果整个教学过程设计犹如网络电影,则可有效降低“慕课”之高退学率,切实提高其教学效果。此经验也可供其他“慕课”设计时参考。 The teaching of Chinese Buddhist Culture as MOOC form in Chinese universities plays a critical role in the revival of traditional Chinese cultures in modern China. The present paper tries to discuss the idea of pedagogical design of Chinese Buddhist Culture as MOOC form. It is suggested that several factors should be considered by the instructor, mainly including the pedagogical content and pedagogical method. The pedagogical content should be designed as plain so that the students can easily understand, because the modern Chinese students with the scientific thinking model lack the fundamental knowledge of Chinese traditional cultures; in addition, it should also be designed as attractive to students. In the aspect of pedagogical method, massive intuitionistic teaching methods are suggested to be used in such course. If so, the whole pedagogical activities are as attractive as a network movie. It can thereby effectively improve the teaching of Chinese Buddhist culture in MOOC. This idea can also be used to design other MOOCs (especially traditional Chinese culture course).


