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Global Wind Energy Council. Germany: Wind market picking up, 2011. http://www.gwec.net/index.php?id=77&L=0&tx_ttnews[backPid]=76&tx_ttnews[pointer]=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=305&cHash=491087408f


  • 标题: 风电项目在应对气候变化与改善大气质量中的协同效益分析Co-Benefits Linkage between Climate Change and Air Quality of Wind-Farm Projects

    作者: 马志孝, 任婉侠, 耿涌, 薛冰, 于晓曼, 蒋平

    关键字: 应对气候变化, 协同效益, 空气质量, 风电项目 Climate Change; Co-Benefits; Air Quality; Wind Farm Projects

    期刊名称: 《Climate Change Research Letters》, Vol.1 No.2, 2012-07-25

    摘要: 中国能源消费快速增长,导致温室气体和大气污染物大量排放。对于发展中国家,由于地方政府资源有限,难以采用全部控制措施来应对气候变化和改善空气质量。利用协同控制措施可以有效利用经济资源,解决更多的环境问题。本研究定量分析全国风电在应对气候变化与改善大气环境质量方面的协同效益。结果表明,按风电装机容量计算,全国风电项目“十一五”期间减排CO2为8854.70万吨,SO2为41.43万吨,NOx为31.31万吨,PM10为4.14万吨;减排CO2和大气污染物(SO2,NOx,PM10)共收益1182.16亿元。 In China, the fast-growing consumption of energy leads to a great amount of greenhouse gas emission and air pollutants emissions. Although many measures have been proposed by the local governments to mitigate GHG emission and improve air quality, the lacking economic resourceslimited the local government to implement all the measures that control both emissions in developing countries. The way of co-benefits can efficiently apply resources to tackle multiple environmental issues. In this study, the co-benefits of wind farm projects were assessed and quantified under the consideration of installed generation capacity in China. The results showed that wind farm projects can reduce 8854.70 × 104 t of CO2, 41.43 × 104 t of SO2, 31.31 × 104 t of NOx, and 4.14 × 104 t of PM10, which benefits 118.22 billion RMB from CO2 and air pollutants mitigation.


