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何巧华, 郑向敏. 岛屿旅游安全管理系统构建[J]. 海洋旅游, 2007, 24(3): 109-112.


  • 标题: 西沙群岛旅游开发的可持续化策略Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in Paracel Islands of China

    作者: 邓灿芳, 安应民, 游长江

    关键字: 西沙群岛旅游, 可持续旅游, 西沙群岛旅游开发Paracel Islands Tourism Development; Sustainable Strategy of Tourism Development; Paracel Islands

    期刊名称: 《Geographical Science Research》, Vol.1 No.1, 2012-05-22

    摘要: 海岛旅游开发作为海洋旅游开发的一注新力量,其丰富的资源,独特的景观越来越受到各地游客和旅游爱好者的青睐,特别是那些保持原生态的、未开发的海岛已成为人们向往的旅游目的地。西沙群岛由于政治、军事和地理的原因,其神秘性和原生态性吸引和刺激着人们对它的向往,2012年,西沙群岛旅游即将拉开它的神秘面纱,对于没有被污染的一块处女地,其生态问题受到更多的关注,因此,西沙群岛旅游开发的可持续化将是西沙群岛旅游开发的重中之中。本文从生态、经济、文化、安全的角度切入,对西沙群岛旅游资源实际考察的基础上,利用国内外著名的旅游岛屿发展经验,结合西沙群岛的自身发展优势,对西沙群岛旅游开发的各个方面提出了可持续发展策略,这将为西沙群岛旅游开发提供重大的现实意义和指导意义。Island tourism development is a new power of ocean tourism development, and tourists from different places increasingly appeal to its rich resources and unique landscape, especially to those islands which maintain original ecology and virgin. For political, military and geographical reasons, the mystique and orig-inal ecology of Paracel Islands attracts people a lot. And in 2012, the mysterious mask of Paracel Islands will be disclosed. Therefore, as for this uncontaminated virgin earth, people increasingly pay most attention to ecological issues. There is no doubt that the sustainable development of tourism development in Paracel Isl-ands is of the highest importance. From the angle of ecology, economy, culture and safety, this paper is based on the fieldwork of tourism resource in Paracel Islands. Combing with its predominance of Paracel Islands, the writer uses developing experience of tourism island at home and abroad to put forward some sustainable development strategies for tourism development of Paracel Islands, which gives us much more realistic and instructive significance.


