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E. Ramirez, R. E. Goldsmith. Some antecedents of price sensi-tivity. The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2009, 17(3): 199-214.


  • 标题: 手机行业消费者价格忍耐力影响因素研究Influential Factor Analysis of Consumer Price Tolerance in Mobile Phone Industry

    作者: 李纯青, 李立, 田敏, 朱治安

    关键字: 价格忍耐力, 影响因素, 结构方程模型Price Tolerance; Influence Factor; Structural Equation Model

    期刊名称: 《Modern Marketing》, Vol.2 No.1, 2012-02-28

    摘要: 本文主要分析了手机市场上消费者价格忍耐力的影响因素。通过文献回顾及专家访谈,探讨了手机市场上影响消费者购买行为及消费心理的一些关键因素,主要包括客户满意度、品牌态度忠诚、品牌等同感知等七个因素。本文通过对这些因素的总结提炼,建立起一个关于手机行业消费者价格忍耐力影响因素的综合概念模型。实证结果表明,品牌等同感知和客户满意度对消费者价格忍耐力有负向影响作用,品牌态度忠诚、转换壁垒及炫耀性消费心理对价格忍耐力有正向影响作用。最后,作者给出了相应结论及管理建议。 This paper mainly analyzed the influence factors of consumer prices on the cell phone market. Through the literature review and investigation and expert interview, this paper probed into the impact of the customers’ purchasing behavior and consumer psychology of some key factors on cell phone market, includ- ing customer satisfaction, attitudinal brand loyalty, brand parity etc. totally seven factors. This article estab- lished a conceptual model by summarizing of these influence factors. The empirical results show that brand parity and customer satisfaction have a negative effect to consumer price tolerance, attitudinal brand loyalty, conversion barriers and conspicuous consumption psychology have positive effect to price tolerance. Finally, the author presented the corresponding conclusion and management advice.


