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M. Figtree, R. Lee, L. Bain, et al. Plasmodium knowlesi in human, indonesian borneo. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010, 16(4): 672-674.


  • 标题: 疟疾根除国家易被遗忘的传染病:一个热带疟境外移入病例报告An Easily Forgotten Disease in a Malaria-Eliminating Country: A Report of an Imported Case

    作者: 张文瀚, 李文宏, 吴介仁, 陈宝田, 张国宽

    关键字: 疟疾, 热带疟, 境外移入, 青蒿素类Malaria; Plasmodium falciparum; Imported; Arteminisin

    期刊名称: 《Hans Journal of Biomedicine》, Vol.2 No.1, 2012-01-20

    摘要: 在疟疾盛行国家,因发烧而求诊的病人,疟疾可能不是主诊断,但在疟疾根除国家地区,因考虑必须及时治疗的败血症,疟疾很容易被忘记。我们报告一个境外移入的热带疟病例,在病人寒颤、发烧时作厚层血片检查,很清楚看到呈现耳机状及指环状的疟原虫在红血球里面,经投与青蒿素类Artesunate药物静脉注射治疗,一周后病人顺利康复。因此,我们了解到,对来自疫区的外籍旅客或曾在疫区逗留的本国居民,如因发烧求诊,应将疟疾列入可能原因之一,以免增加疾病扩散的风险。In countries where malaria is endemic, malaria is easily considered in the differential diagnosis for a patient presenting with fever. However, the diagnosis of malaria is easily forgotten in malaria-free or malaria-eliminating coun- tries. Herein, we report an imported case of Plasmodium falciparum infection. When the patient was febrile, a thick blood film examination revealed signet-ring form and earphone-like trophozoites in erythrocytes. After treatment with intravenous Artesunate, the patient recovered one week later. We learn that high clinical suspicion and correct diagnosis may lead to rapid recovery from Plasmodium falciparum infection. With the increase of international traveling, we should keep the diagnosis of malaria in mind if a foreigner from an endemic area develops fever, in order to prevent the disease spreading.


