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H. H. Wu. The issues of the carbon footprint label calculation from the view point of engineering and business management. International Conference on Engineering and Business Management, Chengdu, 2010: 3381-3384.


  • 标题: 整合ERP之碳足迹建构模式研究A Study of Integration of ERP and Carbon Footprint Evaluation

    作者: 吴鸿辉, 李嘉柱, 甘能昊

    关键字: 碳卷标, 碳足迹, 物料表, 企业资源规划, 碳排放量Carbon Footprint Labels(CFL); Carbon Footprint; Bill of Material; Enterprise Resource Planning; Carbon emissions

    期刊名称: 《Modern Management》, Vol.1 No.4, 2011-10-31

    摘要: 所谓产品碳足迹又称为产品碳卷标,是用来标示该产品在整个生命周期,包含原料、制造、运送、销售到回收等阶段中,所产生之二氧化碳排放量。其主要目的是要厂商在产品包装上标示该产品生命周期所产生的二氧化碳排放量,供消费者选购时参考,以达节能减碳目的,因此目前产品碳足迹为各国推动节能减碳之重要活动之一。本文主要是探讨产品生命周期中,有关“制造”阶段的二氧化碳排放量议题。由于产品生命周期的二氧化碳排放量中,“制造”阶段占有极为关键的比重,其次产品于制造过程中,企业内部之ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)信息系统即拥有许多有用信息,可提供碳足迹计算之依据,例如料号主档、物料表(BOM)与制造状况等信息。因此,针对产品生命周期中制造阶段的二氧化碳排放量议题,本文提出了整合现有ERP架构的碳足迹计算模式。本文除了详细说明本模式与结算方法外,并以某工厂所制造之视讯撷取卡来说明所提出架构与应用,最后并以此视讯卡为例来说明整合系统的功能,以验证本文所提架构之可行性。透过本研究的模式,将有助于业者以更有效及方便的方式,评估其产品在制造阶段的二氧化碳排放量。 The Carbon footprint (CF) or Carbon footprint labels (CFL) of a product reveals the CO2 released during its all product lifecycle, i.e., material, manufacturing, transportation, sale, utilization and recycle etc. The CF of products inform customers about the amount of CO2 released during this product life cycle and may favor products with lower emissions and release the ecological impact in the future. This paper concerns about the topics of CF in the “manufacturing” stage of a product lifecycle because the CF in the “manufacturing” stage has a majority of CF. Basically, an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which has been a common man-agement system in a company provides plentiful data to evaluate the CF in manufacturing stage of a product, i.e., item master, BOM or manufacturing status etc. An integration model of CF and ERP is thus proposed in this paper. A video capture card produced by a plant in Taiwan is utilized to illustrate the application of the pro-posed model. The functions in the integration of CF and ERP are also presented by using this example to demonstrate the feasibility of this model.


