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潘永成, 孟利峰, 王建军. 原发性胸腺癌的外科治疗[J]. 临床外科杂志, 2007, 15(2): 138-139.


  • 标题: 胸腺癌切除术中反复室颤救治成功1例 Successful Treatment for Recurrent Ventricular Fibrillation duringResection of Thymic Carcinoma: A Case Report

    作者: 尹东涛, 李耀奇, 陈秀, 王道喜, 褚剑, 张延兵, 崔琦

    关键字: 胸腺癌切除术, 心室颤动 Thymic Carcinoma Resection; Ventricular Fibrillation

    期刊名称: 《Asian Case Reports in Surgery》, Vol.1 No.2, 2012-09-26

    摘要: 背景:外科手术过程中并发室颤是一个急症,需要得到及时有效的处理,否则后果严重。胸腺癌切除术中发生室颤国内外文献鲜有报道。我们报道1例胸腺癌切除术中并发室颤的患者,最终得到了成功救治。方法:患者女性,59岁,主因间断发热2年入院,胸部CT显示前纵隔区可见一侵袭性肿瘤。患者于2012年3月8日在全麻下行手术治疗,肿瘤切除后,关胸前突发心室颤动,遂立即给予全面抢救。结果:患者于术后3周痊愈出院。结论:胸外科手术过程中室颤是一种紧急情况,需立即给予有效救治,经过积极治疗,多预后良好。 Background: Ventricular fibrillation during surgical procedure is an emergency and appropriate treatment is required immediately. Ventricular fibrillation during resection of thymic carcinoma is rarely reported in the literature. Our objective was to report a successful rescue for recurrent ventricular fibrillation during the procedure of thymic car- cinoma resection. Methods: A 59-year-old female patient was admitted to hospital with an irregular fever for 2 years. CT showed an aggressive neoplasm in the anterior mediastinum. A surgical procedure was carried out for the patient on 8th March 2012. Recurrent ventricular fibrillation happened when the neoplasm was completely removed, and an effec- tive rescue was implementing at once. Results: The patient was completely cured with no sequela. Conclusions: The case demonstrates that an active and rational treatment for accidentally ventricular fibrillation during a surgical proce- dure rewarded with a satisfied outcome.


