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Jilka, S. R., Scott, G., Ham, T., Pickering, A., Bonnelle, V., Braga, R. M. et al. (2014). Damage to the Salience Network and Interactions with the Default Mode Network. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 10798-10807. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0518-14.2014


  • 标题: 抑郁症发病的脑机制研究:来自大脑中线脑区的证据The Brain Mechanism of Depression: Evidence from the Brain Midline Areas

    作者: 刘永, 裘吉成, 何雨霞, 孟亚运, 袁宏, 雷旭

    关键字: 抑郁症, 脑机制, 中线脑区Depression, Brain Mechanism, Brain Midline Areas

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.6 No.11, 2016-11-23

    摘要: 抑郁症是一种高患病率和高致残率的精神疾病,以情绪低落为主要特征,经临床治疗后复发率高。研究证明抑郁症患者存在广泛的脑网络的异常。本文通过梳理了大量的国内外相关文献,发现抑郁症患者的发病脑机制集中在大脑的中线脑区。由于抑郁症患者,尤其是重度抑郁症患者的脑功能和结构都发生了病变,因此治疗抑郁症不仅要消除症状,更要关注的是患者的脑功能以及脑结构的恢复。本文从这个角度对抑郁症的未来研究及治疗进行了展望。 Depression is a mental illness with high prevalence and morbidity, low mood is the main charac-teristics, and the recurrence rate is high after clinical treatment. A large number of studies have found the abnormalities of brain networks among patients with depression. From consulting a lot of studies, we found that the lesion brain mechanism of depression distributed in brain midline areas. Because of the lesion of brain function and brain structure of patients with depression, especially major depressive disorder, so depression treatments do not stop with the symptoms relieving; the key step is the improvement of brain function and brain structure. From the view, we discussed the study and therapy of depression in the future.


