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Burns, D. J., Hart, J., & Kramer, M. E. (2014). Dying Scenarios Improve Recall as Much as Survival Scenarios. Memory, 22, 51-64.


  • 标题: 基于进化论的记忆加工机制The Memory Processing Mechanism Based on the Evolutionary Theory

    作者: 张馨心, 刘明妍, 李豪, 杨娟

    关键字: 记忆, 生存, 死亡, 自我, 自尊Memory, Survival Processing, Mortality Salience, Self, Self-Esteem

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.6 No.9, 2016-09-26

    摘要: 进化心理学家强调从记忆加工的功能角度去解释人类产生记忆的原因。已有研究发现相比于其他参照情境,生存加工情境能够有效的促进被试的记忆成绩;然而对于记忆的死亡加工优势是否存在,还有争议:一种观点认为无论是生存还是死亡,都是以相同或者类似的机制对个体的记忆系统产生影响;另一种观点认为个体对于生存的思考是一种积极主动的过程,但是对死亡的思考却是一种被动的,不可避免的过程,因此生存和死亡对记忆的影响机制是不一致的。基于目前研究结果,本文作者强调未来研究要关注:1) 发生在无意识层面和意识层面的生存和死亡对记忆影响;2) 进化论思想对自我相关记忆的影响;3) 自尊的调节作用。 Evolutionary psychologist assigns tremendous importance to ancestral environments in shaping human’s memory system. Previous studies showed that memory systems might have evolved to help us remember fitness-relevant information-specially, information relevant to survival. However, whether memory systems could be evolved to help us remember fitness-relevant information- relevant to death has not been in-agreement. Some argues that the mechanisms responsible for survival processing and death-related thoughts effects are overlapping, and others argue that sur-vival and death cognition likely rely on different mechanisms to achieve their effects. Authors of the current study suggested that future study might focus on: 1) both the priming effect and the survival-related scenarios effect on the memory system; 2) the effects of thoughts of survival and thoughts of death on recall of self-related information; 3) the modulation effect of self-esteem.


