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Vargas, C.A., Contreras, P.Y. and Iriarte, J.L. (2011) Relative Im-portance of Phototrophic, Heterotrophic, and Mixotrophic Nanoflagellates in the Microbial Food Web of a River-Influenced Coastal Upwelling Area. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 65, 233-248.


  • 标题: 自然海区混合营养浮游鞭毛虫和纤毛虫生态学Ecology of Mixotrophic Planktonic Flagellate and Ciliate in the Sea

    作者: 王超锋, 张武昌, 赵丽, 赵苑, 肖天

    关键字: 混合营养, 鞭毛虫, 纤毛虫, 微型浮游动物Mixotrophy, Ciliate, Flagellate, Microzooplankton

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Marine Sciences》, Vol.3 No.3, 2016-08-30

    摘要: 海洋浮游生物的混合营养是指一种生物既能进行光合自养,又能进行摄食营养。混合营养使得这种生物既是生产者,又是消费者,因此对传统的食物链和生态模型研究是个挑战。混合营养的海洋浮游生物在自然海区的分布是理解它们在自然海区生态功能的基础,本文综述了自然海区混合营养浮游生物的重要类群--鞭毛虫和纤毛虫的计数方法和结果。混合营养鞭毛虫在不同海区占含色素鞭毛虫的比例多小于50%。混合营养寡毛类纤毛虫的种类大约十余种,其中球果螺体虫(Laboea strobila)是混合营养纤毛虫的重要类群,多分布在温带和极地海区;不同海区混合营养纤毛虫丰度和生物量所占比例多低于70%。总体来看,混合营养型海洋浮游生物生态特征在自然海区的研究较少,我国在这方面的研究才刚起步。 Mixotrophic microplankton are those that can carry out photosynthesis and ingestive behavior simultaneously. Mixotrophy makes mixotrophic microzooplankton be producer and consumer. Thus it’s a challenge for traditional phytoplankton-zooplankton dichotomy and the study of eco-logical model. The distribution of mixotrophic microzooplankton in the sea is the foundation to understand their ecological function. In this study, we summarized the counting method and the result of mixotrophic flagellate and ciliate in the sea in previous studies. For mixotrophic flagellate, its percentage of abundance in flagellate with plastid in different sea regions was mostly less than 50%. Taxonomically, more than ten mixotrophic ciliates species were identified up to now. As the most easily identified mixotrophic ciliates, Laboea strobila mainly appeared in temperate zone and polar sea region. Percentage of mixotrophic ciliates abundance and biomass in different sea regions was mostly less than 70%. Overall, the research about taxonomy and ecology of mixotrophic flagellate and ciliate in natural sea region was scarcely carried out. In China the knowledge gap of mixotrophic microzooplankton has been indentified and is being focused on in some related research.


