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牛沙沙. 屋顶光伏并网发电项目碳减排问题研究[D]: [硕士学位论文]. 邯郸: 河北工程大学, 2014.


  • 标题: 分布式光伏扶贫的模式比较与政策建议Comparisons of Models on Distributed Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation and Advice on Policy

    作者: 刘涵

    关键字: 分布式光伏, 精准扶贫, 创新模式, 投资基金Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation, Targeted Programs, Innovation Models, Investment Fund

    期刊名称: 《Sustainable Development》, Vol.6 No.3, 2016-07-13

    摘要: 本文就国家现有的光伏扶贫模式进行了比较分析,详细阐述了各方主体所关心的问题。为了使扶贫更加精准,项目更加具有可持续性和利益共生性,笔者提出了一种新的扶贫模式,即“1 + 2 + 4”,以基金为一个中心,全面、详细阐述了基金的“来龙去脉”;以增加农民受益,扩大电力需求为两个基本原则;就近发电、就近并网、就近转换、就近使用为四个基本点。最终,确保政府的扶贫目标得以实现,农民的收入得到保证,企业的投资得以有效地收回,银行的担保得以相对地降低风险,整个农网线路的改造得以完成,弃光现象得以缓解,让扶贫之路的前景充满了一片光明。 The present models of poverty alleviation in China have been compared and analyzed in the article. Also, the questions that all parties concern have been elaborated. To take targeted measures in poverty alleviation, to make the program sustainable and multi-beneficiary, I come up with a new model based on the present patterns project the “1 + 2 + 4”. “1”means that the central point of poverty alleviation project is establishing a fund, whose ins and outs are illustrated thoroughly and carefully. “2” means that the two principles are to raise peasant’s income and to expand electricity demand. “4” means that the four basic points are to generate electric power nearby, to interconnect electricity nearby, to convert electricity nearby, to use electricity nearby. When all the things talked above can be taken account seriously, the governmental goal of poverty alleviation, the long-lasting income of famers, the paid-off investment of enterprise, the lower risk of bank’s guarantee and the rural electric network alteration are only matters of time.


