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刘琳, 刘洪玉. 地价与房价关系的经济学分析[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2003(7): 27-30.


  • 标题: 深圳房地产价格波动因素研究Research of Shenzhen Estate Price Fluctuation Factors

    作者: 王佳馨, 蓝裕平

    关键字: 房地产, 房价的影响因素, CPIReal Estate, Influence Factors of Real Estate Price, CPI

    期刊名称: 《Emergence and Transfer of Wealth》, Vol.6 No.2, 2016-06-20

    摘要: 自从上世纪90年代以来,我国逐渐推行货币化住房制度以后,我国的房地产业快速发展,推动经济拉动内需并成为国民经济的支柱性产业。房价的飞速上涨对于国家经济的发展,人民的正常生活都造成了巨大影响。目前,我国经济处于转折点,房地产行业正在加速调整。因此,研究影响房地产价格成因对于当下的中国尤其具有迫切性和必要性。对于中国房地产而言,以北上广深的一线城市房价涨幅尤为剧烈,以上城市房价对当地的经济一方面带来正面影响,另一方面,也带来了巨大的负面影响。因此本文将深圳作为研究对象,从国内外研究进行综述,对于影响房地产价格的因素作出深刻剖析,在此基础上利用2004~2013数据,运用相关性分析和线性回归分析进行实证研究。研究发现(以深圳为例)大学生应届毕业人口数,年均商品房销售面积,人均可支配收入,居民消费价格指数对于房地产价格的影响。并提出处理改善和防范措施,对症下药,使得房地产业更好的发展。 Since the beginning of 90’s of the last century, after the gradual implementation of the monetary housing system in China, the estate industry has developed rapidly, and promoted economy to boost domestic demand, which becomes a pillar industry of the national economy. The rapid in-crease in housing price has a great impact on the country’s economic development and people’s normal life. At present, due to the China’s economy at a turning point, the estate industry is acce-lerating adjustment. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to study the causes influencing estate price. For China’s real estate, housing price is increasing greatly in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, bringing positive influence on the local economy, and also negative influence. So this article takes Shenzhen as the research object, reviews from researches at home and abroad, to analyze the factors influencing real estate price, and based on the 2004-2013 data, empirical research is carried out using correlation and linear regression analysis. Study finds that (a case study of Shenzhen) the number of fresh graduates, average annual estate sales area, per capita disposable income, consumer price index influence the real estate price. Moreover, process im-provements and preventive measures are proposed, for better development of real estate.


