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王毅. 中国的水问题转型、治理与创新[J]. 环境经济, 2008, 4(52): 27-33.


  • 标题: 我国水治理体制存在的问题与改革思路研究Problem of Water Management System in Our Country and Reform Train of Thought

    作者: 朱绍萍, 孔小莉

    关键字: 水治理体制, 历史沿革, 存在问题, 改革思路Water Management System, History Development, Existing Problems, Reform Train of Thought

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Environmental Protection》, Vol.6 No.3, 2016-06-20

    摘要: 我国现有的多部门分工负责的治水体制,有历史局限性,也有客观必然性,在一定程度上调动了各利益相关方案参与治水行为。但目前山水林田湖管理分割,导致水治理体制过分破碎化;职责交叉过多且权责不统一,制度衔接不够,尤其缺乏高效协商机制;统筹不够,没有形成合力,这是水治理体制改革需要着力解决的核心问题。本文对我国水治理体制历史沿革、存在的问题进行了分析研究,提出了7项改革思路。 The existing water management system of division of labour with individual responsibility that many departments are in charge of in our country, has historical limitations and also the objective necessity, which to a certain extent mobilizes various stakeholders schemes involved in water conservancy. But now the division management of mountains, waters, forests, fields, and lakes, results in excessive fragmentation of water management system; many overlapping responsibilities as well as rights and liabilities not unified, not enough cohesion, especially the lack of efficient coordination mechanism; not enough plan as a whole, leading to no join forces, which is the core problem of water management system reform. In this paper, the history of water management system and the existing problems are analyzed; meanwhile seven reform trains of thought are put forward.


