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Dekoven, M. (2009) Going to the Dogs in Disgrace. ELH, 76, 847-875.


  • 标题: 从耻辱到尊严:《耻》中卢里的浪漫主义情怀在后殖民语境下的解读From Disgrace to Grace: An Analysis of Lurie’s Romanticism in Post-Colonial Context of Disgrace

    作者: 张丹杰

    关键字: 生命尊严, 浪漫主义, 后殖民主义, 语境转换, 互文性Humanity, Romanticism, Post-Colonialism, Context Transformation, Transtextual Theory

    期刊名称: 《World Literature Studies》, Vol.4 No.2, 2016-06-07

    摘要: 库切的小说《耻》自问世以来便获得评论界热烈的反响。小说以平静的语言刻画人物的挣扎,将卢里个人的耻辱投放在南非后种族隔离时代的历史背景下,谱写出卢里从堕落到救赎的悲怆篇章。笔者认为小说中有四条重要线索:爱欲、诗歌、动物和歌剧。其中,对爱欲和诗歌进行语境转换下的解读是理解卢里悲剧根源的重点,而动物和歌剧则是卢里自我救赎的载体和依靠。为达到对主题的准确把脉,笔者借助热拉尔•热奈特的互文性理论来分析小说中的诗歌和歌剧。本文通过分析卢里失去身份和尊严后的自我救赎过程来解读卢里个人的浪漫主义情怀在后殖民语境下的颠覆和升华,以此展现库切对生命本身的尊严和价值的深切思考。 Coetzee’s novel, Disgrace, has aroused the extensive critical interest since its publication. With plain depiction of characters’ struggles, this novel puts Lurie’s disgrace against the background of the post-apartheid era of South Africa, composing a striking story of Lurie from disgrace to salvation. This paper proposes that there are four important motifs in the novel: sex, poetry, animal and opera. Among them, sex and poetry imply the transformation of the concept and ideology under the context of romanticism and post-colonialism which results in Lurie’s tragedy; whereas animal and opera can be interpreted as the supporters of Lurie’s self-redemption. For motifs of poetry and opera, Gérard Genette’s transtextual theory will be adopted to help illustrate the relations between different texts. Furthermore, based on the analysis of Lurie’s self-redemption after his former identity and belief are gradually undermined, this paper illustrates Coetzee’s deep contemplation and recognition of the universal significance of humanity and sublimity.


