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张登本, 孙理军, 李翠娟. 论五行理论在《黄帝内经》建构中的作用及其意义[J]. 河南中医学院学报, 2007, 22(128): 13-18.


  • 标题: 结合五行观念谈音乐疗法中西洋音乐的选曲Combined with the Five Elements Concept about the Choice of Western Music in Music Therapy

    作者: 王晓威, 姜培, 李青山

    关键字: 五行, 情志, 音乐疗法, 古典音乐Five Elements, Emotion, Music Therapy, Classical Music

    期刊名称: 《Art Research Letters》, Vol.5 No.1, 2016-05-24

    摘要: 中国文化是以自然哲学中五行元素为基础的阴阳辨证理论,这个理论验证了大道至简的哲学道理。以五行文化为依据的中医中药理论在辩证施治、相生相克的道路上,开辟了一条与其它国家不同的医学途径,遵从“道法自然”的医学理念也经受住了时间的验证和国际的公认。中国音乐疗法也是基于五行理论而产生的,起步虽晚,但在实践中取得了一定的效果。本文以五行理论为基础,结合西洋古典音乐家所创作的具有五行特点的音乐,来论述西方古典音乐通过对人情志的影响,使人达到与自然相和的养生及治疗目的。 Chinese culture is based on five elements in natural philosophy of Yin and Yang syndrome differentiation theory, this theory is verified the simple philosophy of truth. Compared with other countries , Chinese medicine theory which is based on five lines of Chinese culture has opened up a different way on dialectical treats and reinforce each other. Medical theory following the natural rule has stood the test of time and received international recognition. Chinese music therapy is based on the five elements theory, although the late start, but in practice has obtained the certain effect. In this paper, on the basis of the five elements theory, combined with the western classical musicians have created the characteristics of the five elements of music, discussing the influence of western classical music through people’s emotions to make the person and nature keep in good health and therapeutic purposes./span>


