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饶卫民, 章家恩, 肖红生, 等. 地理信息系统(GIS)在农业上的应用现状概述[J]. 云南地理环境研究, 2004, 16(2): 13-17.


  • 标题: 基于WebGIS的气象及大气污染数据仓库系统的构建研究Build and Research of the Meteorological and Air Pollution Data Warehouse System Based on WebGIS

    作者: 张新, 乐群, 罗蒙, 徐非

    关键字: ORACLE, 海量气象及大气污染数据, 数据仓库, ETL, OLAP, WebGISORACLE, Huge Amounts of Meteorological and Air Pollution Data, Data Warehouse, ETL, OLAP, WebGIS

    期刊名称: 《Computer Science and Application》, Vol.6 No.3, 2016-03-24

    摘要: 气象及大气污染数据仓库系统作为21世纪新一代的气象信息存储发布管理系统,可以大大提升现有海量气象以及大气污染数据的管理水平和对业务科研的支持。气象及大气污染数据仓库系统是基于B/S架构的系统,采用OpenLayer作为前端WebGIS框架,后端则以强大的RDBMS数据库ORACLE为支撑,ETL过程使用PL/SQL和Java语言实现,业务逻辑则利用Java语言实现,以此构建基于WebGIS的海量气象及大气污染数据仓库系统。该系统以用户可见的方式进行共享数据发布、展示和数据管理,同时使用系统中的联机分析处理技术可以使决策人员从数据仓库中获得有用的信息,以提供科学和及时有效的辅助决策支持。 In the 21st century, weather and atmospheric pollution data warehouse system is a new generation of meteorological information storage management system, can greatly improve the existing huge amounts of meteorological and air pollution data’s management and support for business research. Meteorological and air pollution data warehouse system is based on B/S architecture system, using OpenLayer as front-end WebGIS framework. The backend is supported by powerful RDBMS ORACLE database. ETL process is implemented by using PL/SQL and Java language. Business logic is implemented by Java language. Based on this, the meteorological and air pollution data warehouse system based on WebGIS is built. The system can share data in the form of visible, can display and manage data. At the same time, using the system of on-line analytical processing technology can help staff to make the decision to get useful information from data warehouses and to provide scientific and effective decision in a timely manner.


