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  • 标题: 自我建构对大学生就业自信的影响研究The Effects of Self-Construal on Employment Confidence to Undergraduate Students

    作者: 李松桃, 肖影影, 毕重增

    关键字: 自我建构, 就业自信, 大学生Self-Construal, Employment Confidence, College Student

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.6 No.2, 2016-02-05

    摘要: 大学生对于未来工作会有各种期待,个体的自信水平面对这些就业目标会表现出差异,本研究从自我建构角度探讨影响就业自信的心理机制。研究根据社会认知基本维度将就业自信划分为两个维度,包括能力追求方面的自信和关系追求方面的自信。结果表明,特质性互依自我建构能显著预测关系目标自信,同时部分通过影响关系目标自信进一步影响能力目标自信。特质性独立自我建构不能预测就业自信。两种状态性自我建构的启动都会影响个体的就业自信水平,表现为独立自我建构组在自我实现等能力追求方面更自信,互依自我建构组在人际交往相关的目标上更自信。通过启动大学生不同的自我建构方式,强化个体相应的价值感受,可以提升就业自信。 Self-construal is the way how we define ourselves; thus interdependent self-construal and inde-pendent self-construal are distinguished. These two different self-construals could influence indi-vidual experience. For undergraduate students, job-hunting is a crucial matter. Specifically, we attempted to explore the effects from self-construal to the employment confidence of undergra-duate students. In experiment 1, results indicated that the interdependent self-construal could predict confidence of relationship target and confidence of ability target. In addition, there is a mediating effect of relationship confidence on the relation between interdependent self-construal and ability confidence. In experiment 2, a main effect for priming self-construal revealed that, in-dependents described their confidence of ability target as more positive than interdependents; interdependents described their confidence of relationship target as more positive than indepen-dents. The results showed that, students’ employment confidence could be promoted by changing situational cues.


