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左亚文, 胡丰顺. 协同治理与我国公共危机管理模式创新——基于协同理论的视角[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2008(2).


  • 标题: 基于效应维度理论的社会治理路径研究Research on Social Governance Path Effect Based on the Theory of Dimensions

    作者: 张红方, 张金城, 聂卉晶

    关键字: 效应维度, 社会治理机制, 多元主体, 标本兼治Effect of Dimension, Collaborative Governance, Multi Subject, Cure

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.4 No.4, 2015-12-21

    摘要: 当前,我国正经历改革开放以来的又一个发展机遇期,随着全面深化改革步伐的推进,政治生态、经济水平和社会环境都呈现出长足的进步,但是转型期的阵痛同样明显,集中在社会领域则多表现为公共危机事件的频发与多元主体协同治理能力的不足。本文的逻辑起点正是基于传统治理模式的瓶颈与构建效应维度社会治理机制的需要。并从标本兼治的思路与社会实践出发,提出长短效应维度理论,探索构建多元社会主体协同治理格局,综合运用多学科交叉的研究方法,从而探究一个基于效应维度理论的社会治理路径,以期达到“强政府–强社会”的社会治理格局目标。 At present, our country is experiencing a period of development since the reform and opening up. With the overall pace of deepening reform advancement, political environment, economic level and social environment has made great progress, but the problems of the transition are also obvious, which are concentrated in the social field including the more frequency of public crisis and the inadequate ability of multi-subject cooperation management. The logical starting point of this thesis is the bottleneck of the traditional management mode and construction effect of dimension of social governance mechanism based on the needs. And from the point of tackling the problem of thinking and social practice, the length dimension of the effect theory is proposed to explore the construction of multiple social collaborative governance pattern, and the multi-disciplinary research methods is integrated used to explore a path of social governance based on the dimension of the effect theory, in order to achieve the goal of “strong government and strong society” social governance pattern.


