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吕薇(2005). 高职生应对方式的特点及其对心理健康的影响. 硕士论文, 山东师范大学, 济南.


  • 标题: 高一新生应对方式特点研究A Research on the Characteristics of Coping Style among High School Students

    作者: 吴荔荔, 刘涛生

    关键字: 高中生, 应对方式, 心理健康High School Students, Coping Style, Mental Health

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.5 No.11, 2015-11-11

    摘要: 目的:了解高一新生应对方式特点。方法:采用黄希庭等人编写的《中学生应对方式问卷》考察高一新生的应对方式特点。结果:高一新生的六种应对方式使用存在差异。面对压力时,高一学生通常采用的应对方式依次是问题解决、忍耐、退避、求助、发泄、幻想;高一学生在发泄维度上存在显著的性别差异;不同家庭结构的高一学生在六种应对方式上均无显著差异;实验班学生和平行班学生在求助维度上存在显著差异,其他维度上差异不显著。结论:高一新生应对方式总体偏好,但仍有一些问题需要关注。 Object: To explore the characteristics of coping style among high school students. Methods: Coping strategy questionnaire for middle school students, mainly compiled by Huang Xiting, was used to investigate the features of senior high students’ coping strategies. Results: When facing stress, they use different coping strategies. The coping strategies they usually adopt are problem solving, endurance, retreat, recourse, abreaction and fantasy, which are put in such a kind of order; signif-icant gender differences are found in abreaction coping strategies among the students; no signifi-cant difference in coping strategies can be found among the students, whose family structures are different; significant gender differences are found in recourse coping strategies between the stu-dents in experimental class and those in the ordinary-student class. Conclusion: The results of coping strategy for high school students are generally good, but there are still some problems needing to pay attention to.


