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Priester, J. R., & Petty, R. E. (1996). The gradual threshold model of ambivalence: Relating the positive and negative bases of attitudes to subjective ambivalence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 431-449.


  • 标题: 基于实验室情景的悲喜交加情绪的性别差异Gender Difference in Poignancy: Based on the Laboratory Setting

    作者: 敖玲敏, 吕厚超

    关键字: 混合情绪, 悲喜交加, 实验室情景, 性别差异Mixed Emotions, Poignancy, Laboratory Setting, Gender Differences

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.5 No.2, 2015-02-26

    摘要: “悲喜交加”是一种同时体验到高兴和悲伤的混合情绪体验,是个体面临具有个人特殊意义事件的结束时,既高兴又沮丧的情绪感受。 本研究在前人研究的基础上,讨论个体的悲喜交加情绪体验的性别差异。用实验法,让被试在实验室情境下观看黑色喜剧片《美丽人生》,同时设置控制组;结果发现实验组被试报告了更多的混合情绪,比控制组被试的混合情绪体验要高。研究结果是:在实验室情景下,被试观看实验视频能够产生悲喜交加的混合情绪。实验组被试的悲喜交加情绪体验比控制组高;在实验组条件下,女性被试的悲喜交加混合情绪体验值比男性被试的高;在控制组条件下男女性别间不存在显著差异。 Poignancy is defined as a mixed emotional experience that arises when one faces meaningful endings, individuals can feel happy and sad at the same time, or a mix of happiness and sadness occurs in the face of a meaningful ending. This study based on the past research, discusses the gender differences in poignancy. By using the experimental method, we let the participants watch bittersweet film clip Life is Beautiful, at the same time set the control group. The results showed that subjects reported more simultaneously mixed emotions during the bittersweet film clip than the control clip. The result is: Participants who in the experimental condition watching the movie can experience the poignancy, and have more poignancy under the experimental condition than the control condition; women experienced this mixed emotions more than men in the experimental condition, but in the control conditions, there is no differences between man and woman.


