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常俊跃, 赵秀艳, 李莉莉 (2008) 英语专业低年级阶段系统开展内容依托教学的可行性探讨. 外语与外语教学, 12, 24-30.


  • 标题: 英语知识性课程与技能性课程衔接的整合教学法—语篇修辞视角的定性研究An Integrated Approach to Producing Synergetic Effect from EFL Courses Oriented to Imparting Language Knowledge and to Developing Language Skills Respectively—A Qualitative Study from the Perspective of Textual Rhetoric

    作者: 杨德生

    关键字: 课程衔接, 英语语法, 英语写作, 语篇修辞教学, 整合效果Curriculum Articulation, English Grammar, English Writing, A Textual-Rhetoric Approach, Synergetic Effect

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.2 No.4, 2014-11-28

    摘要: 课程的有效衔接是英语教学研究的重要论题,本项系列实证研究探析英语专业知识性课程和技能性课程在教学内容方面衔接的方法和重要因素。对大学英语专业语法课和写作课一年的研究发现,从语篇修辞视角衔接这两门课程,定性的语料分析显示,这样的教学方法使课程内容之间的联系显性化,加强了它们的衔接,在实现不同课程教学目标的同时使不同课程的教学形成合力,帮助学习者在获取语言知识的过程中培养语言技能与能力。研究结果表明从语篇修辞视角进行课程内容的衔接应以学生原有知识为教学的出发点,师生需具备逆向教学意识,并在动态教学过程中多方法并用建构课程的知识体系。One of the important research problems in TEFL practices is to explore ways of producing a com-bined effect greater than the sum of what each separate course can create. This empirical study, one of the research series conducted in the past six years, aims at developing, by integrating the lesson content of English grammar and English writing that are traditionally defined as language knowledge oriented and language skills oriented university courses respectively in China, a method to this end, and at locating the key factors underlying the synergetic effect. In this one-year qualitative research, a textual-rhetoric approach was devised to make possible the interaction of the two courses in order to develop students’ ability in using language at the level of discourse. Analyses of the data, mainly of qualitative nature, found that teaching and learning the English language with the textual-rhetoric approach made explicit and strengthened the relationships of the lesson content between the two courses, contributing to the accomplishment of the respective learning objectives in an integrated way, and enabling the students to acquire the knowledge through the development of their language skills and competence. The results suggest that the factors in the successful application of this approach include basing instructional processes on learners’ previous knowledge, orienting all the learning tasks and the teaching activities to the development of their competence at the discourse level, and constructing their curricular know-ledge system with multiple methods in the dynamic teaching and learning process.


