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Parise, M. and Pascali, V. (2003) Surface and subsurface environmental degradation in the karst of Apulia (southern Italy). Environmental Geology, 44, 247-256.


  • 标题: 北方岩溶区景观变化—以济南为例Landscape Change of Karst Mountainous Region in North China—A Case of Jinan

    作者: 齐善忠, 王艳梅, 曹少娇

    关键字: 城市化, 北方岩溶山地, 土地利用变化, 环境退化, 济南Urbanization, Karst Mountainous Region of North China, Land Use Change, Environmental Degradation, Jinan

    期刊名称: 《International Journal of Ecology》, Vol.3 No.3, 2014-09-16

    摘要: 我国快速的经济发展带来了城市化的发展,尤其是在我国的岩溶山区。济南位于我国北部岩溶山区并且以断裂岩溶泉水而出名,其土地利用的空间形态已经被快速的城市化极大的改变了,并且城市的山体也面临变化。本文以济南岩溶山区为研究区域,利用RS和GIS技术,对济南岩溶山地土地利用变化状况进行了较深入的分析研究。济南岩溶山地土地利用类型分为6类,即:耕地,林地,草地,水域,城乡工矿居民用地和未利用地。研究结果表明,近20年来,济南岩溶山地土地利用景观格局发生了明显的变化,济南快速的城市化过程明显地改变了岩溶山地的空间格局。城市化始终对城市区域内的山地有着不利的影响。随着城市化的快速发展,济南岩溶山区诸如山体破坏、水土流失、土壤侵蚀、植被退化等环境问题,显得日益突出;这些环境问题将导致济南岩溶区发生滑坡、泥石流和山体崩塌等自然危害的潜在风险。 Rapid economic development has induced urbanization in China, especially in most of China’s karst geological mountain regions. Jinan City, belonging to the karst geological mountain region of north China and well known for its fractured karst springs, was investigated to assess land use change dynamics by the combined use of satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS), and to explore the interaction between these changes and the environment. Images were classified into six land-use types: cropland, forestland, grassland, water, urban or built-up land, and barren land. These results show that significant changes in land use occur within the whole karst mountainous region over the study period and cause severe environmental degradation, such as destruction of mountain body, soil and water loss, soil erosion, and degeneration of vegetation. These have resulted in the serious natural hazards in the karst mountainous region of Jinan City, i.e. mining landslide, debris flow, and mountain collapse.


