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严俊, 王振全, 连素琴等 (2010) 兰州大气污染对循环系统疾病日住院人数影响. 中国公共卫生, 12, 1514-1516.


  • 标题: 四川宜宾城区周边工业污染源及其对空气质量的影响A Study on Industrial Pollution Sources and Their Impacts on Air Quality of Yibin Urban Area in Sichuan Province

    作者: 徐致和, 唐亚, 刘本洪, 杨齐寿, 赵曦琳, 张岭江, 杜双韬, 杨基智

    关键字: 宜宾, 工业排放, 空气污染源, 空气质量Yibin, Industrial Emissions, Air Pollution Source, Air Quality

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Environmental Protection》, Vol.4 No.4, 2014-08-25

    摘要: 良好的城市大气环境是居民健康生活的重要保证。本文研究了四川宜宾城区周边工业污染源、城区空气质量现状及变化趋势。结果显示,影响宜宾市城区大气环境最主要的污染物是烟尘、粉尘和二氧化硫,其次是氮氧化物、挥发性有机物等,其中烟尘、粉尘对于大气环境的影响呈不断增大的趋势。主要由于气候原因,大气污染易发生在11月至次年3月,2012年秋季起由可吸入颗粒物主导的大气污染日益严重。针对宜宾城区大气环境这些变化应当采取积极有效的应对措施。Air quality is essential for human health but intensive industrial activities have caused air pollution and placed human health at high risk. To understand the impacts of industrial activities on urban air quality, a case study was carried out in Yibin, a city located in southern Sichuan province, China. Potential air pollutants from various industries in surrounding Yibin were listed and their potential effects on air quality were analyzed. Smoke, dust and sulfur dioxide were identified as the pollutants that determine the air quality, and nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds can also considerably influence air quality. Increasing particulate matters from smoke and dust were the major cause of heavy air pollution. Seasonally, air pollution was high during the period from November to March and low during summer from June to August. As wind is rare and wind is small in the area, rainfall plays an important role in cleaning air. Since the autumn of 2012, air pollution dominated by particulate matters has increased, mainly due to increased use of coal. To reduce air pollution, restructure of industrial sectors with reduced need for coal will be required.


