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Ventresca, M. and Aleman, D. (2013) Evaluation of strategies to mitigate contagion spread using social network characteristics. Social network, 35, 75-88.


  • 标题: 面向群组评价问题的组合评价规则构建Study of Group Evaluation Method Having Induced Group Evaluation Rules

    作者: 侯芳, 于兆吉, 杜金龙

    关键字: 群组评价, 评价规则, 规范评价规则, 自主评价规则Group Evaluation, Evaluation Rules, Normative Evaluation Rules, Autonomic Evaluation Rules

    期刊名称: 《Management Science and Engineering》, Vol.3 No.2, 2014-06-24

    摘要: 将评价规则转化为群组评价问题的一种结构性安排,通过评价群体网络结构特征表现其组合形式。定义规范评价规则和自主评价规则,讨论了由规范评价规则和自主评价规则组合的群组评价规则,评价者根据评价进程中评价规则预期收益判断该评价规则是否可诱导,并确定评价规则组合形式。由评价结果的改进判断评价规则组合是否需要继续优化,由评价规则收益集合判断是否实现群组评价目标。评价群体可以根据评价规则收益判断评价状态。 This paper considers the evaluation rules as a structural arrangement of group evaluation problem, and reflects the rules as group network structure. We divide the evaluation rules into formal evaluation rules and structure evaluation rules, and we discuss structure rules only. Structure rules affect the group network structure formation and the group evaluation status. We, further, divide structure rules into normative evaluation rules and autonomic evaluation rules, in which normative evaluation rules correspond with complete regular network and autonomic evaluation rules correspond with complete random network. We discuss group evaluation rules that are composed of normative and autonomic rules. Experts determine whether the rules could be induced according to expect income of the rules in the process and the form of group evaluation rules. If the results improve, group evaluation rules should be optimized. The group could judge the condition according to group evaluation rules income collection.


