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  • 标题: 月相正名及西周王年考The Right Understanding of the Name for Phase of the Moon—The Research & Verification of the Time of the Western Zhou Dynasty

    作者: 郑捍马

    关键字: 月相, 正名, 西周, 王年考Phase of the Moon, Correct Name, Western Zhou Dynasty, Research & Verification

    期刊名称: 《Open Journal of Historical Studies》, Vol.2 No.2, 2014-04-25

    摘要: 近百年来由于受王国维《生霸死霸考》似是而非的四分月相说影响,以致西周各王年至今仍无定论。本文从上万件青铜器中,选取180余件王年或干支日名相对完整的西周青铜器进行系统地考证,证明初吉、既望、既生霸、既死霸四种月相名的真实含义是朔、望、上弦、下弦。并在此基础上,无可置疑地厘定西周各王年。同时利用天象反演,并结合历史文献,确定了文王受命、盟津观兵、武王克商等一系列历史事件的准确年份和日期。 For nearly a hundred years, regarding the time of Western Zhou Dynasty, it has not been reached consistent conclusion in history in academic circle, because most people were influenced and blocked by the appear-right opinion of “four phases of the moon”, which originates from Mr. Wang Guowei’s article “Sheng Ba Si Ba Kao” about the research & verification of the phase of the moon. The author of this paper selected 180 pieces of bronze ware of Western Zhou Dynasty among over 10000 pieces to conduct systematic, deep and detailed research, whose inscriptions have relatively complete record of emperor year or heavenly stems and earthly branches name, furthermore it proves that the four names of phase of the moon (Chu Ji 初吉、Ji Wang 既望、Ji Sheng Ba 既生霸、Ji Si Ba 既死霸) respectively mean the first day of the lunar month, full moon, first quarter and third quarter. Furthermore, the author used astronomical and calendar softwares, history documentation, etc. , to do repeatable mapping, cross reference, calculation and simulation, so the author made a conclusion and approved undoubtedly the accurate year for each emperor in Western Zhou Dynasty, and further determined the accurate year and date for history events such as King Wen of Zhou by destiny, Meng Jin view soldiers, King Wu of Zhou killed King Zhou of Shang, etc.


