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CE Delft (2005) Giving wings to emissions trading: Inclusion of aviation under the European emissions trading scheme (ETS): Design and impacts. CE Delft, Oude Delft, July 2005, 245 p.


  • 标题: 我国航空公司成本转嫁能力实证研究An Empirical Study of Cost Pass-Through Ability of Airline Company in China

    作者: 郑兴无, 孙忱

    关键字: 成本转嫁, 航空公司, 碳排放交易体系, 实证研究Cost Pass-Through; Airline Company; Carbon Emission Trading System; Empirical Study

    期刊名称: 《World Economic Research》, Vol.3 No.1, 2014-03-27

    摘要: 在世界各国积极探讨建立碳排放交易体系的大背景下,本文建立了基于企业行为理论的航空运输业成本转嫁实证模型。假设我国建立航空运输业碳排放交易体系后,以我国局部航线市场作为数据来源,本文估计了多类型航空公司在多种市场战略下的成本转嫁能力,进而模拟我国航空公司的碳排放成本转嫁能力。文章得出行业总体成本转嫁率约100%的预计,与欧盟委员会的影响评估报告和许多研究结果不谋而合。 As the world is actively exploring the establishment of carbon emission trading system, this paper builds an empirical cost pass-through model for airline industry based on the corporate behavior theory. Based on the assumption that China has built its own carbon emission trading system, selecting typical local airline market as the source of database, the paper estimates the cost pass- through abilities of kinds of airlines under a variety of market strategies, in order to stimulate air- lines’ cost pass-through abilities. It suggests that the overall industry cost pass-through rate is about 100%, which coincides with the European Commission's impact assessment report and many research results.


