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杨铭雄 (1990) 台北市国民小学校长遴选制度实施之研究. 未出版之硕士论文, 国立台北市立师范学院国民教育研究所, 台北.


  • 标题: 中学校长遴选之重要因素——台湾新竹地区天主教学校为例High Schools Principal Selection——A Case of Hsinchu City Catholic High School

    作者: 刘光泰, 吴佳纯

    关键字: 领导者遴选, 模糊层级分析法, 天主教Principal Selection; Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process; Catholic School

    期刊名称: 《Management Science and Engineering》, Vol.3 No.1, 2014-03-10

    摘要: 与一般学校相比,天主教办学更具有天赋使命及不可推委的责任,使天主教学校的校长与师长肩负“神圣的使命”的教育,让教学不仅止于是一份职业,更是参与天主“创造万物、圣化世界”的伟大工程。教会与修会二十年来缺乏年轻一辈的青年投入神职与修道行列,许多学校面临校长职务后继无人的状况,必须转让经营或聘请非教会内人士担任校长及其他行政职务,维持学校的运作。本研究运用模糊层级分析法(FAHP)探讨天主教学校校长遴选对校务影响因素之评估,经研究发现:在评估第一层主构面方面,“天主教办学理念”被认为是天主教学校校长最重要之评估因素,其次为“专业发展方面”;在第二层次构面方面,最为专家学者重视的是教育政策与教育新知,其次为温馨校园的经营;在整合各项评估准则的权重排序显示,以天主教生命教育及教育政策与教育新知最为专家学者重视。 The catholic schools have much more regulated disciplines in education compared with general schools in Taiwan. Teaching is not just a job, but accompanies with the mission of “created all things, sanctify the world” in schools. Recently, few youth participation clergy and monasticism participated. Most catholic schools had the phenomenon of insufficient principals who are catholic. There are many non-Catholics to be employed as presidents or other administrative duties in catholic schools to manage non-profit organizations. This research uses the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy method to prioritize the factor of school principal selection. The results show that first layer of the dimension, the philosophy of education, is the most important factor of principal training; and that the second factor is the professional knowledge of principal. Meanwhile, in the second layer of the dimension, the most important key factor is the educational policy and educational knowledge; the second factor is the family-school management. All academics expertise assessment criteria believed that life education, educational policy and educational knowledge are critical factors to principal selection.


