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Smith, A.T., 王学高, 等 (1986) 草原栖息高原鼠兔的社会行为. 兽类学报, 1, 33-43.


  • 标题: 青藏牧场的毒药、围栏与生物多样性危机——雪域藏人与动物关系及生态行动的民族志研究The Rat Poison, Fence and Biodiversity Crisis in Qinghai-Tibetan Pastures——An Ethnographic Study on the Relationship among Tibetans and Animals and Ecological Actions

    作者: 范长风

    关键字: 高原鼠兔, 权力, 生物多样性, 技术, 毒杀 Plateau Pika; Rights; Biodiversity; Technology; Poisoning

    期刊名称: 《Modern Anthropology》, Vol.2 No.1, 2014-01-24

    摘要: 草原退化的根源是高原鼠兔的破坏还是人类过度干预的结果。研究表明高原鼠兔是青藏高原的“关键物种”,其存在意味着生物多样性的维系和生态系统正常生态功能的发挥,故毒杀高原鼠兔只能损害生物多样性却不能真正解决草原退化问题。在1950年代以来的青藏高原,权力话语对高原鼠兔进行了妖魔化建构和大规模毒杀活动。生态危机是草原使用方式包括科学手段的使用出了问题,也是文化危机。生态危机的解决需要文化自觉去点亮科学技术的伦理之光,把科学知识体系与藏族地方知识有机整合。保护青藏高原生物多样性的希望不是毒药加围栏,而是科学与文化的整合加上权力下沉社区。 Grassland degradation resulted from pikas’ destroying or human’s excessive interference. This study shows that pika is one kind of key species on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, whose existence maintains biodi- versity and normal function of ecosystem. So, killing pikas will only damage biodiversity, but will not stop grassland degradation. Since 1950, power discourses which demonized pika have rationalized government’s large-scale killing-pika movements. Ecological crisis is caused by wrong exploitation of prairie including scientific misconduct, so in some sense, it is cultural crisis. To solve ecological crisis, we should integrate scientific knowledge with Tibetan local knowledge, namely, to stimulate cultural self-consciousness to ensure the ethics of science and technology. To maintain the biodiversity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we should not rely on poison and fence, but strengthen the integration of culture and science, empowering the local community as well.


