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Lightman, E. (2010). Practice effects, emotion, and mechanisms of dual-task interference in driving and cell phone research. Master’s Dissertation, Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology.


  • 标题: 手机通话对驾驶行为影响的实验范式综述The Impact of the Phone Talking on Driving: A Review of the Experimental Paradigms

    作者: 芮梦霞, 王纪妹

    关键字: 驾驶行为, 手机通话, 实验研究范式Driving; Mobile Phoning; Experimental Paradigms

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.3 No.6, 2013-11-11

    摘要: 人们很长时间以来关注通电话为什么会对驾驶行为产生不利影响。目前,一些研究者对此类问题的研究重点已经从驾驶过程中使用何种类型的手机转向具体通话内容对驾驶的影响。研究表明通话任务的内容本质才是影响驾驶行为的关键。然而,人们会根据驾驶的具体情况,有意识地采取分配策略以避免危险事件的发生;而且不同驾驶经验的人对待这两个任务的操作方式也有所不同。文章将结合次任务的不同类型,介绍跟车任务范式、视觉搜索任务范式、改变任务范式和练习任务范式在研究中的应用,展望该领域的研究新方向。 People have concerned about why the mobile phoning distracted attention from driving in a long time. Currently, some researchers have shifted their interest from the effect of phone type to the specific conversations on driving. Studies showed that the nature of the conversation was the key to distracted driving. However, Studies also showed that according to the specific driving situation, people would consciously adopt allocation strategy to avoid dangerous incidents. Moreover, people with different driving experience operated the two tasks in different ways. In this paper, four kinds of experimental paradigms combined with different types of secondary tasks, car task, visual search task, change task and practice task were summarized. That will help us to find the new directions in this field.


