JOGT  >> Vol. 41 No. 6 (December 2019)

Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
Vol.41 No.6(2019), Paper ID 33775, 5 pages

镍基合金625 + X60复合管对接焊缝质量控制措施研究
Measures of Welding Quality Control for Nickel Base Alloy 625 + X60 Clad Pipe

荆国防,刁凤东,田 坤:中国石油天然气管道局工程公司,河北 廊坊

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How to Cite this Article

荆国防, 刁凤东, 田坤. 镍基合金625 + X60复合管对接焊缝质量控制措施研究[J]. 石油天然气学报, 2019, 41(6): 83-87.