AE  >> Vol. 13 No. 12 (December 2023)

Advances in Education
Vol.13 No.12(2023), Paper ID 76723, 8 pages

Research on the Construction Path of One-Stop Integrated Student Community Management Mode Based on the Perspective of Modern Academy System —Taking the Results of the Reform of the Academy System in Taishan College of Science and Technology as an Example

林 森:泰山科技学院海右书院,山东 泰安

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How to Cite this Article

林森. 基于现代书院制视角一站式学生社区综合管理模式的构建路径探究——以泰山科技学院书院制改革成果为例[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(12): 9717-9725.