AE  >> Vol. 11 No. 4 (July 2021)

Advances in Education
Vol.11 No.4(2021), Paper ID 43889, 5 pages

Curriculum Ideological and Political Teaching Reform and Practice under the Background of “Three Comprehensive Education”—Taking “Database Principles and Applications” as an Example

李 强,时东晓,孟 昉:广州城市职业学院信息工程学院,广东 广州

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How to Cite this Article

李强, 时东晓, 孟昉. “三全育人”背景下课程思政教学改革与实践——以《数据库原理与应用》为例[J]. 教育进展, 2021, 11(4): 1234-1239.