A Study on Rare Genetic Diseases Historically Reviewed in 24 Ancient History Books and Historical Manuscripts of Qing Dynasty
DOI: 10.12677/ACRG.2013.12003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,683  浏览: 13,933 
作者: 林乔*:成都中医药大学遗传及心理研究室,成都
关键词: 古中国遗传性疾病历史资料Ancient China; Genetic Disorders; Historical Data
摘要: 根据现代遗传学知识,从中国25部历史书籍“五行志”篇中检索与遗传性相关的疾病症状,疑为遗传性或先天性相关疾病89例,计有:遗传系统性疾病(环境与遗传交叉)、先天性疾病(遗传异质性)、染色体异常、多基因疾病、显性基因疾病、基因重组、基因突变、肿瘤、基因表达紊乱、不明原因等10类遗传相关性疾病。 By reference to modern genetic disease diagnostic criteria, there were 89 cases with symptoms relevant to genetic inheritance reported in the chapter Wu Xing Zhi: 5 Elements of the 24 books and historical manuscripts of Qing dynasty of China. Ten types of genetic disorders were described: interaction between genetic and environment, congenital of genetic heterogeneity, chromosome abnormality, polygene, dominant, recombination, mutation, tumor, expressing abnormal and no explaining cause.
文章引用:林乔. 《二十四史》及《清史稿》罕见性遗传性相关疾病考[J]. 亚洲遗传病病例研究, 2013, 1(2): 14-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRG.2013.12003


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