Taking Lanzhou as an Example to Analyze Causes of Urban Traffic Congestion and Corresponding Countermeasures
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2013.22017, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,296  浏览: 11,348  国家科技经费支持
作者: 刁爱霞, 麻存瑞*:兰州交通大学交通运输学院,兰州
关键词: 城市交通拥堵公共交通交通需求管理智能交通系统Urban Traffic Jams; Public Transportation; Traffic Demand Management; Intelligent Transportation System
摘要: 城市中的交通拥堵问题是世界各国在城市发展过程中普遍面临的一个严峻问题,影响着城市的社会与经济发展。论文首先分析了兰州市交通拥堵现状,然后详细解析了导致交通拥堵的原因,最后根据兰州市的实际情况阐述了相应的拥堵缓解对策,如大力发展公共交通系统、实施交通需求管理、发展智能交通系统等。
Abstract: The traffic jams of the urban transportation are a problem which the each country must face to. It is not only a social problem but also an economical one. Firstly, the situations of traffic congestion in Lan- zhou are analyzed in this paper, and then the causes of these problems are analyzed. Finally, according to the specific circumstances of Lanzhou, the corresponding countermeasures are proposed, such as developing the public transport system, implementing the traffic demand of the traffic and developing intelligent transportation system, etc.
文章引用:刁爱霞, 麻存瑞. 以兰州为例分析城市道路交通拥堵原因及相应对策[J]. 交通技术, 2013, 2(2): 91-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2013.22017


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