Decade Change of Energy Consumption and Its Development Trend in China
DOI: 10.12677/SE.2013.32003, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,636  浏览: 19,905  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王远亚, 吉威宁, 崔武军, 武洪强, 苑中显:北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院
关键词: 能耗量能源结构能耗比用能效率新能源Energy Consumption; Energy Structure; Energy Per Capita; Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy
摘要: 本文对我国最近十年以来能源消费总量及能源结构的变化情况进行了讨论,并与世界能源发展状况作了对比。汇总了我国分部门近年来的耗能数据,并着重分析了钢铁、水泥和有色冶金等重点行业的能耗变化。将我国一些重点工业产品的单位能耗水平及单位GDP能耗水平与国际水平进行了比对。最后,结合国家能源战略,讨论了我国未来的能源发展趋势。
Abstract: The decade change of the total energy consumption and the energy structure of Chinais discussed and compared to the world’s energy data. The subdivision of the energy consumption to different branches is paid attention. Among the industrial enterprises, steel, cement and nonferrous metallurgy have been especially emphasized for their big role in terms of the energy cost. The Chinese energy consumption per capita for some typical products as well as per unit GDP is also compared to those international levels. Finally, taking into account of the national energy strategy, the energy development trend in the future ofChinais discussed briefly.
文章引用:王远亚, 吉威宁, 崔武军, 武洪强, 苑中显. 近十年来我国能源消费变化及未来发展趋势[J]. 可持续能源, 2013, 3(2): 17-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SE.2013.32003


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