The Syntextuality of the Hypothesis of Self-Assertiveness Demand
DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2013.31001, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,277  浏览: 10,107 
作者: 汪 恺*, 蔡恒进:武汉大学国际软件学院,武汉
关键词: 自我肯定需求认知综合性理性人假设奥地利学派Self-Assertiveness Demand; Syntextuality; Rational Man; Austrian School
摘要: 本文通过回顾经济学发展史,指出经济理论在各个历史时期的认知局限性。基于“理性人”假设建立起的凯恩斯主义供需模型和国家干预机制未能重视经济个体源于肯定自我的正当需求,使国家干预在财富调控中效率低下;基于主观方法论的奥地利学派强调了人在交换理论框架下获得自我满足感的合理性,但基于先验论的奥地利学派未能给出指导财富分配的工具。自我肯定需求,来自主观的判断,并形成于认知范围内受客观条件制约的动态比较之中。自我肯定需求理论从认知的角度出发,阐释了财富的涌现与流转规律,建议构造财富再分配的高效信息工具,将为经济理论的发展提供新的方向。
Abstract: The cognitive limitations are presented by reviewing the development of economic theories. The Keynesian mechanism of government intervention, which is based on the hypothesis of rational man, ignores individual economic demand on self-affirmation, leading to the failure in efficiency and justice in wealth dis- tribution and transfer. Austrian School, on the basis of subjective methodology, emphasizes the rationality of self-satisfaction under exchange activities, does not provide any instruments on wealth redistribution. Self- assertiveness demands describe the demands originated from human cognitive tendency to confirm self-values. It is a dynamic process originated between subjective and objective estimate of outside world. The self-as- sertiveness demand derived theories have offered explanations of the emergence and transfer of wealth, and proposed an efficient monetary instrument to realize wealth redistribution based on information technology, which could bringing about a new direction of the development of economic theories.
文章引用:汪恺, 蔡恒进. 自我肯定需求假设的认知综合性[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2013, 3(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2013.31001


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