The Route of Identifying Talent Standard in the Organization
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2013.32014, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,913  浏览: 9,393 
作者: 任现增*, 金学惠:北方民族大学人力资源系,银川
关键词: 人才标准识别路径Talent Standard; Identifying; Route
摘要: 不同的组织有不同的人才标准,许多学者已经对人才标准做了不同层次的研究。本文研究的并不是人才标准的概念和内容,而是员工是如何识别人才标准的。在人才标准和其被员工识别之间有要经历知觉过程,该过程导致员工识别的人才标准与组织规定的人才标准之间的差异。员工根据自己识别的人才标准来调整自己的思想、行为和技能。员工成长为组织所需要的人才的前提是正确识别、理解和接受组织的人才标准。本文旨在研究员工识别组织人才标准的路径的构成、特征和相互关系。以便组织更好地理解和管理员工的行为和成长方向。本文将员工是组织人才标准的路径分为两部分:隐性标准和显性标准。管理者一般重视显性路径,但是员工倾向于隐性路径。
Abstract: There are massive researches on talent standard, but talent standard is individual for different busi-ness. The topic is not how to make talent standard, also not what is talent standard, but how to employees iden-tify talent standard. The standard made by the organization, is different from the standard recognized by em-ployees, but everyone change, adjust, improve their thoughts, behaviors, only according to the standard rec-ognized by them. The important precondition of employee’s growing talent is to identify, understand and accept the talent standard. This article discusses about routes and route’s relation so that managers can better under-stand and manage employees’ behavior as well as growth direction. The route is divided into two types, such as intangible route and apparent route. Managers apt to apparent route, but employees tend to intangible routes.
文章引用:任现增, 金学惠. 员工识别人才标准的组织路径分析[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(2): 80-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2013.32014


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