The Relationship between Parent-Child Communication, Self-Esteem and Anxiety among Junior School Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.32015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,752  浏览: 9,142 
作者: 张 斌*:宝安中学初中部;唐 辉*, 卢 宁*:深圳大学应用心理学研究与咨询中心
关键词: 初中生焦虑亲子沟通自尊Junior Middle School; Anxiety; Parent-Child Communication of Students; Self-Esteem
摘要: 从深圳市某初级中学选取750名初一、初二学生施测《焦虑自评量表》、《自尊量表》、《亲子沟通量表》,以探讨亲子沟通、自尊与初中生焦虑的关系。结果发现:1) 男生的开放性亲子沟通得分高于女生,而在问题性亲子沟通上不存在显著性差异;独生子女与非独生子女的开放性和问题性亲子沟通得分均不存在显著性差异;2) 开放性沟通与自尊呈显著正相关,与焦虑呈显著负相关;问题性沟通与自尊呈显著负相关,与焦虑呈显著正相关;3) 自尊和问题性亲子沟通能显著预测初中生的焦虑水平,两个变量能解释总变异量的30.5%,其中问题性亲子沟通只能解释总变异量的6.3%4) 自尊在亲子沟通与焦虑之间关系中起中介作用,其中自尊在开放性亲子沟通与焦虑之间发挥完全中介作用,在问题性亲子沟通与焦虑之间发挥不完全中介作用。
Abstract: To explore the relationship between parent-child communication, self-esteem and anxiety among junior school students, a test about self-rating anxiety scale. Self-esteem scale was made among 750 junior one and two students in Shenzhen. From the research, we get the results: 1) The scores of boys’ open parent-child communication is higher than girls, but there was no significant difference in parent-child communication problems; and the significant difference does not exist between open communication and problem of parent-child of only child and non-only child; 2) It shows positive relationship between open communication and self-esteem, and a negative relationship with anxiety; there is a negative relationship between self-esteem and communication of problems, and a positive relationship with anxiety; 3) Self-esteem and communication in problems of parent-child could significantly predict the level of anxiety of junior middle school students, the two variables can explain the total variance of 30.5%, the problem of communication between parents and children can only explain 6.3% of total variance; 4) Self-esteem plays an intermediary role in the relationship between parent-child communication and anxiety, play a mediating effect between self-esteem and communication in open parent-child and anxiety among them, don’t play intermediary role between parents and children to communicate with anxiety problems.
文章引用:张斌, 唐辉, 卢宁 (2013). 亲子沟通、自尊与初中生焦虑的关系. 心理学进展, 3(2), 95-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.32015


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