基于ArcGIS Engine的地质灾害调查录入系统研究
Geological Disaster Investigation into the System Based on ArcGIS Engine
DOI: 10.12677/AG.2013.31005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,994  浏览: 9,796  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 余 晟*, 南 希:成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室;何政伟, 薛东剑, 陈思思:成都理工大学地球科学学院
关键词: ArcGIS Engine地质灾害调查地理信息系统数据库ArcGIS Engine; Geological Hazard Survey; GIS; Database
摘要: 本系统采用C/S胖客户端开发模式,是为采集贵州省88县灾害点详细信息而开发。为方便野外和室内工作人员的使用,在功能上除单纯的属性数据的采集录入、分析统计外还结合了GIS的一些基本功能,如野外线路的选择,GPS的实时定位,各区县专题图的生成出图等。同时该系统所收集的现势资料和历史资料能以.MDB的形式导出到贵州省国土资源厅“一张图”工程的Oracle数据库中,作为其地灾子系统决策支持和信息发布的确实依据。
Abstract: The system, using C/S fat client development mode, is developed for collecting disaster points information of 88 counties in Guizhouprovince. For the convenience of field and indoor work personnel to use, on the function of not only the attributes of data collection, analysis and statistics but also combines some of the basic functions of GIS, such as field line selection, combined with the GPS real-time positioning, the District of thematic map is generated out of. At the same time real-time and historical data collected by the system can be in the form of .MDB export to Guizhou Office of province land natural resources “a map” project Oracle database, as its disaster system decision support and information release was based on.
文章引用:余晟, 何政伟, 薛东剑, 南希, 陈思思. 基于ArcGIS Engine的地质灾害调查录入系统研究[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2013, 3(1): 29-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2013.31005
