How China Respond to the Carbon Emissions—Challenges, Commitment and Action
DOI: 10.12677/JLCE.2013.21006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,112  浏览: 13,907  国家科技经费支持
作者: 赵振宇*, 侯丽颖:华北电力大学经济与管理学院
关键词: 中国碳减排全球变暖承诺行动模型 China; Carbon Emissions Reduction; Global Warming; Commitment; Action; Model
摘要: 作为全球第一大碳排放国,中国如何减少温室气体排放、应对气候变化已成为国内外共同关注的问题。本文分析了当前中国在应对碳排放方面的来自国内外的各种压力和挑战,阐述了中国政府在应对碳减排方面的原则和承诺以及未来的减排目标。根据中国近年来在减排方面采取的行动,建立了中国实施减排行动齿轮模型。并根据模型框架主要从参加国际公约及国际合作、相关政策支持、财政资金支持、发展减排技术、优化能源结构、产业治理、增加造林、参加清洁发展机制项目、探索建立碳排放交易市场以及推广低碳生活等10个方面对中国近年来在碳减排方面行动计划、实施情况及取得的成果进行了分析;并提出探讨了中国在碳减排过程中面临的问题。为了解和分析中国碳减排问题提供支持。
Abstract: As the world’s largest carbon emitters, China has been paid more and more attention from all over the world on the issue of how the country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deal with the climate change. This paper identified the various pressure and challenges that Chinaconfront with carbon emissions, and elaborated the principles, commitments as well as future targets of the Chinese government in response to carbon emission reduction. By examining and evaluatingChina’s emission reduction practice and performance in recent years, this study established an implementation gear model of the emission reduction actions ofChina. According to the model’s framework, the plan, action and obtained results of China’s carbon emission reduction are analyzed, by consisting of the ten aspects: participating in international conventions and international cooperation, policies support, financial support, emission reduction technology, optimizing energy sources structure, industry control, increasing forestation, to participate in the CDM project, to establish carbon emissions trading market as well as promoting low carbon living. And finally, the main problems ofChinafacing to the action of carbon emissions reduction are discussed. The results provide an important support for understanding and analyzing ofChina’s carbon emission reduction.
文章引用:赵振宇, 侯丽颖. 中国如何应对碳排放—挑战,承诺与行动[J]. 低碳经济, 2013, 2(1): 30-37.


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