Research on Large-Scale Energy Storage Technology of Smart Grid
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2013.31002, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 5,423  浏览: 20,966 
作者: 胡雪峰*, 赵盛萍:华北电力大学云南电网公司研究生工作站,昆明;杨卓:云南电网公司,昆明;谭向宇, 王达达, 赵现平:云南电网电力研究院,昆明;高亚静:华北电力大学,保定;田雷:昆明理工大学云南电网公司研究生工作站,昆明
关键词: 储能智能电网抽水蓄能压缩空气储能电池储能Energy Storage; Smart Grid; Pumped Storage; CAES; BESS
摘要: 大规模储能系统是智能电网建设的关键一环,被称为电力成产中发电、输电、变电、配电和用电之外的“第六环节”。本文结合智能电网发展需求,简要介绍了各种储能系统发展现状,重点分析了构建大规模储能系统的必要性及其发展趋势,最后结合项目组调研情况,对当前储能技术发展提出了建设性意见。
Abstract: Large-scale energy storage system is an important part of the Smart Grid, it’s called the sixth part of the elec-tric system besides generation, transmission, substation, distribution and users. Based on the needs of the Smart Grid development, this article introduced the present situation of different energy storage system briefly, and mainly analyzed the necessity and development trend of large-scale energy storage system construction. Finally, combined with the pro-ject team research situation, this article put forward some constructive suggestion about energy storage technology.
文章引用:胡雪峰, 杨卓, 谭向宇, 王达达, 赵现平, 高亚静, 田雷, 赵盛萍. 智能电网中大规模储能技术研究[J]. 智能电网, 2013, 3(1): 8-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2013.31002


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