The Construction Technology of Super High-Rise Building Core Tube Wall Cap and Hollow Steel Tube Concrete Composite Floor
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2013.21008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,765  浏览: 12,761 
作者: 王成洋*:安徽理工大学,淮南;白蓉:安徽理工大学,淮南、中国建筑第四工程局,广州;蒋韶鑫, 孙方荣:中国建筑第四工程局,广州
关键词: 墙帽空心钢管复合楼盖施工技术Wall Cap; Hollow Steel Pipe; Composite Floor’s; Construction Technology
摘要: 通过对超高层核心筒墙帽与空心钢管劲性复合楼盖的分析及特点介绍,明确了施工技术的难点,结合工程实例总结出了符合现场实际的施工工艺。同时对施工流程、要点及质量控制等方面进行详细的叙述,使该项技术越来越成熟。新技术具有良好的发展前景和广泛的推广意义。
Abstract: It clears the requirements of the difficulty of construction technology and bring forward the actual construction process according to the analyse and characteristic introduction of super high-rise building core tube wall cap and hollow steel tube concrete composite floor. At the same time the construction process, key points and quality control and so on detailed description, make the technology more and more mature. The new technology makes wide prospect and extensive popularized significance.
文章引用:王成洋, 白蓉, 蒋韶鑫, 孙方荣. 超高层核心筒墙帽与空心钢管劲性复合楼盖施工技术[J]. 土木工程, 2013, 2(1): 43-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2013.21008


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