A Survey of Research Work on Shape from Shading
DOI: 10.12677/AIRR.2013.21008, PDF, 下载: 4,030  浏览: 12,617 
作者: 邵晓芳:海军航空工程学院青岛校区,青岛;蔡明娟:海军装备研究院标准所,上海
关键词: 阴影恢复形状三维表面重构深度图Shape from Shading; 3D Surface Reconstruction; Depth Map
摘要: 根据单幅灰度图像恢复相应物体的三维表面形状是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题,也是一个重要研究领域,相当于完成一个从二维空间到三维空间的映射,解决这类问题的一个重要方法是从阴影恢复形状(Shape from Shading,简称SFS)。从问题描述入手,对阴影恢复形状技术涉及基本问题和现有计算方法进行了分类总结并分析了现有方法的特点和不足,最后指出了进一步研究的发展方向。
Abstract: The reconstruction for 3D surface shape of object is one of the main goals in the field of computer vision. It needs to complete a mapping from 2D image to 3D world. Shape from shading (SFS for short) is one of the main meth-ods for this goal. This paper gives a comprehensive summary on related research work based on the description of the SFS problem, then their characteristics and shortcomings are analyzed; at last, further research directions are suggested.
文章引用:邵晓芳, 蔡明娟. 阴影恢复形状技术研究进展[J]. 人工智能与机器人研究, 2013, 2(1): 48-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AIRR.2013.21008


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