Development and Trend of Unmanned Rotorcraft
DOI: 10.12677/AIRR.2013.21003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 6,143  浏览: 20,851 
作者: 张天航, 白金平:电子科技大学航空航天学院,成都
关键词: 旋翼式无人机地面站任务载荷发展Unmanned Rotorcraft; Ground Control Station; Task Load; Development
摘要: 旋翼式无人机的高速发展已经受到了各个领域的高度重视,本文介绍了旋翼式无人机的大体分类、技术组成、应用领域、发展现状,并预测了旋翼式无人机未来的发展趋势。
Abstract: With the rapid development of the unmanned rotorcraft, more and more attention has been paid on it in many field. In this paper, the general classification, technical composition, applications and development situation of un-manned rotorcraft is introduced. And the development trend of unmanned rotorcraft in the future is also predicted.
文章引用:张天航, 白金平. 旋翼式无人机的发展和趋势[J]. 人工智能与机器人研究, 2013, 2(1): 16-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AIRR.2013.21003


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