Failure Case Study of the China Enterprise in Crisis Communication
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2013.31005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 6,480  浏览: 21,082 
作者: 李宏勋*, 陈曦:中国石油大学(华东)经济管理学院,青岛
关键词: 危机沟通危机管理案例研究Crisis Communication; Crisis Management; Cases Study
摘要: 随着中国现代企业发展得日益成熟和信息时代的到来,危机沟通的重要性逐渐在企业管理中得到提升。本文从中国企业危机沟通失败的典型案例出发,具体分析了三鹿、双汇这两家中国企业在危机前、危机中、危机后所做的沟通措施,结合其危机不同阶段特征与解决危机手段的组合,总结出其在危机沟通中的缺失以及缺失的原因,得出相关启示,希望通过这些分析能够使企业在未来面对危机的过程中少走弯路。
Abstract: With the Chinese modern enterprise more and more mature, the place of crisis consciousness in the enterprise management is more important. This paper starting with a few typical cases of failure in crisis communication, especially analysis two enterprises: Shuanghui, Sanlu. Analysis the measures they take be-fore the crisis, during the crisis and after the crisis, find the problem in crisis communication and the reason why they failure in the crisis communication, finally we will summarize experience from the case and through this experience we will find short cut to success in crisis communication.
文章引用:李宏勋, 陈曦. 中国企业危机沟通失败典型案例研究[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(1): 23-32.


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