Status of Biodiesel from Waste Oil of Restaurants
摘要: 餐饮业规模随着第三产业的迅速发展而日益扩大随之产生的地沟油随之也增多,若不加以正确使用,会严重引起环境污染并危及人们的身心健康。地沟油的有效资源化利用途径之一是将其制备成绿色能源生物柴油。以地沟油为原料制备生物柴油的方法有:碱催化法、酸催化法,生物酶法及超临界法四种。本文对各种制备方法的研究现状进行了综述,归纳了各种制备方法的特点及存在的问题,并提出了相应的合理化建议。
Abstract: With the rapid development of tertiary industry, the catering scale expands very quickly. And the result is the number of waste oil of restaurants increasing rapidly. If we neglect the phenomenon, the waste oil could endanger the environment and people’s health. The correct way to use the waste oil of restaurants is make it to biodiesel. Method for preparation of biodiesel from waste oil as raw material is as following: alkali-catalyzed by acid catalysis, enzymatic method and supercritical method. This paper gave an overview about different methods of using waste oil as raw materials to preparing biodiesel. At the same time, this paper pointed out the characteristics and problems of various methods. Lastly, it made some appropriate suggestions about biodiesel preparing.
文章引用:王昌梅, 张无敌, 陈玉保, 尹芳, 刘士清, 赵兴玲, 柳静. 利用地沟油制备生物柴油的研究现状[J]. 可持续发展, 2013, 3(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2013.31001
