Research on the Forestry Technical Diffusion Based on Input-Output Analysis
DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2013.21001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,935  浏览: 9,706 
作者: 刘平养*:复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海
关键词: 林业技术技术扩散经济性成本收益分析Forestry Technique; Technical Diffusion; Economics; Input-Output Analysis
摘要: 我国林业技术整体水平相对落后,不仅体现在研发环节,还反映在技术的普及度上。第三次集体林权改革激发了林农要技术的积极性,但是由于长期以来对林农层面的成本收益分析的忽视,使得林业技术扩散的效率依然较低,成为制约林业发展的重要因素。本文通过以毛竹林丰产技术在福建省永安市的推广为例,通过成本收益分析,得出了影响并决定林业技术扩散效率的因素,即林业技术的经济性。同时发现,在我国林业有集体经营体制向市场体制转型的形势下,技术的经济性不光受到亩均利润和总产出的影响,同时也受到制度安排、政府行为、社区机制以及农民本身的机会成本等的影响。
Abstract: China’s forestry technical level is relatively lagged behind those of developed countries, not only in the R&D aspect, but also in the technical diffusion. The Third Collective Forestry Property Rights Reform trigged farmer’s demands for forestry techniques, but because of overlooking farmers’ consequent costs and benefits, the technical diffusion are still not efficient enough that it strictly constrains the further development of forestry. This paper bases on a cost benefit analysis of bamboo techniques in Yong’an County, and finds out that the economics of the technique is the main factor that influences the diffusion of forestry techniques. It’s concluded that in the reform period, the economics of forestry technique is strongly related to the institu-tion arrangement, government behavior, community functions and the opportunity cost of farmers.
文章引用:刘平养. 基于成本收益分析的林业技术扩散问题研究[J]. 林业世界, 2013, 2(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WJF.2013.21001


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