Genetic Diversity of Stemona shandongensis Populations
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2013.21001, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,612  浏览: 14,713  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张 雷, 马 燕, 臧德奎:山东农业大学林学院,泰安
关键词: AFLP山东百部遗传多样性居群 AFLP; Stemona shandongensis; Genetic Diversity; Population


Abstract: Genetic diversity and genetic structure of 120 individuals of four Stemona shandongensis popula- tions were investigated by AFLP method. A total of 282 bands were observed with 8 primer combination, in- cluding 137 polymorphic bands. The percentage of polymorphic bands was 48.58%. In species level, Nei’s gene diversity index was 0.1441; Shannon’s information index was 0.2485; total gene diversity was 0.1646; population gene diversity was 0.1682, gene differentiation coefficient was 0.0210. UPGMA cluster based on AFLP makers was similar to the cluster based on morphological traits; there was no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. The results showed that there was genetic differentiation among populations, and it could express by morphological characteristics.

文章引用:张雷, 马燕, 臧德奎. 山东百部遗传多样性分析[J]. 植物学研究, 2013, 2(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2013.21001


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